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3 big mistakes NOT to make on a planning application....

.... and what to do instead!

There are plenty of mistakes I see every week being made of planning applications. So I thought I would share 3 big ones I see all the time. If you avoid these you will give your planning application a better chance of success ✅ 


👉🏻 Do not rely on precedents, yes they can be helpful 'sometimes', but planning applications are not determined on what someone else has done down the road. Just because you want to do the same to your building does not automatically mean it will be ok or approved.


A planning application is determined on its own merits. Put forward the reasons why your development meets the development plan for the area and if not material considerations why it should be approved.


👉🏻 Do not just focus on your site or your building, the town planning system is a spatial development system! This means you need to look beyond your building and your boundary.... how close are your neighbours? Where are their windows? Who are you neighbours? Are they noisy?


You need to understand the context of your development within its surroundings.


👉🏻 Do not do half a job ❌ . Submit a comprehensive application that answers the policies the planning officer will be reviewing your development against. Include well drawn plans, and relevant technical documents, for example ecology surveys, that meet the council's validation requirements.


Planning officers are under significant strain, contribute where you can to making their job assessing the application as easy as possible!


Was this helpful? Are you going to follow these tips in your next planning application?


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